No matter how or when death occurs, it can leave behind grief, sadness, and a sense of loss. When it occurs unexpectedly, it can be stunning, shocking, and shake you to your core.
Most of us enter each day with expectations. Those don’t usually include losing someone close. When it comes out of the blue, it can change us.
Here is a brief guide to grieving after an unexpected loss:
Recognize You Are Not Alone
Unexpected deaths usually affect many people similarly. They, too, may be at a loss as to how to reach out and what to say. This alone may help you reach out to others who may be feeling the same.
Individuals Can Have Different Emotions
When death occurs suddenly and unexpectedly, emotions can range from person to person. Some may react with disbelief. Others may experience anger. Still, others may be stunned and speechless. While some may find it difficult to talk, others may act inquisitively. There is no exact, appropriate reaction.
Reach Out to Others
Experts generally agree that in such circumstances, it can be helpful to reach out to others who knew the deceased. This can help you get answers to questions you may have and keep you in the loop for information about upcoming final services. It can also keep you connected with any special needs or requests the immediate family may have. It may help you feel productive and helpful.
Share Memories and Motions
Sharing thoughts, emotions, and memories can be very helpful in the grieving process. Finding common bonds and memories and discovering, sharing, and discussing these moments can be helpful in getting through a sudden death.
Accept Help from Family and Friends
If those around you offer help or company, accept it. Even if they don’t know the deceased, their presence may help.
Don’t Stop Daily Tasks
Try to maintain your daily routine and chores. Your daily tasks can help you retain a sense of normalcy.
Reach Out if Needed
If you are feeling a bit overwhelmed, reach out for help, perhaps including counseling. This is particularly important if symptoms are prolonged or are not dissipating.
Learn About the Five Stages of Grief
The five stages of grief are widely accepted stages that many go through following the death of someone close. They can be amplified when a death is sudden or unexpected. Learning these stages may help you recognize what you are feeling and going through.
Let Us Know How We Can Help
If you are in current need or pre-planning for the future, we would be honored to serve you. The Cremation Society of NKY has been serving families in Northern Kentucky and the Greater Cincinnati area for generations.
If you currently don’t have a family funeral home or director, we would be proud to serve you and your family. Reach out to us today to learn more.
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